Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ernie: 3/14/80 - 6/27/11

You will cry if you watch this. I have enough times today. For whatever reason it reminds me of him, of all of those who pass you...and how delicate life really is.

It's been a year. An entire year without him.

A good friend of mine, who happens to follow the blog, left this quote on my Facebook wall a few days ago.

"Nothing is more sacred as the bond between a horse and a rider. No other creature can ever become so emotionally close to a human as a horse. When a horse dies, the memory lives on, because an enormous part of his owner's heart, soul, and the very existence dies also."

It's taken me until now to realize how big of an impact this horse has had on my life. Even in death, I continue to think of him, the funny quirks he had which weren't really quirks after all. There were so many ways in which he tried to communicate with me, and I just didn't know.

Memories are all we have once a friend is gone: I remembered today a moment of particularly beautiful canter we shared once, one that came from the deepest of connections, the kind where for a few moments you feel intertwined, one body, one soul. I lost it after a few strides, of course, but the fact that he offered such a thing, recognizing at that exact moment that I was there and with him, is beauty in itself.

RIP Ernie. You will always be my first love; you stole a piece of my heart the moment you walked into my life, a piece that can never be replaced.

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